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Ash comes with multiple generators, packages as mix tasks, to help you generate and make modifications to your applications.

See the documentation for each mix task for more information. What is presented here is merely an overview.


Ash can be installed into a project using igniter. Some examples of how this can work:

  • Install Ash & AshPostgres into your current project

    mix igniter.install ash ash_postgres
  • Create a new mix project with Ash & AshPostgres installed

    mix archive.install hex igniter_new
    mix my_project --install ash,ash_postgres
  • Create a new phoenix project with Ash & AshPostgres installed

    mix my_project --install ash,ash_postgres,ash_phoenix --with

    install hex archives

    The archives have to be installed to use them. This only needs to be done once, until you change elixir versions.

    mix archive.install hex igniter_new
    mix archive.install hex phx_new



  • mix ash.extend - Adds an extension or extensions to a domain or resource.