Ash.Resource (ash v3.4.68)

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A resource is a static definition of an entity in your system.

Resource DSL documentation


  • :simple_notifiers (list of module that adopts Ash.Notifier) - Notifiers with no DSL.

  • :validate_domain_inclusion? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to validate that this resource is included in a domain. The default value is true.

  • :primary_read_warning? (boolean/0) - Set to false to silence warnings about arguments, preparations and filters on the primary read action. The default value is true.

  • :domain (module that adopts Ash.Domain) - The domain to use when interacting with this resource. Also sets defaults for various options that ask for a domain.

  • :embed_nil_values? (boolean/0) - Whether or not to include keys with nil values in an embedded representation. Has no effect unless resource is an embedded resource. The default value is true.

  • :extensions (list of module that adopts Spark.Dsl.Extension) - A list of DSL extensions to add to the Spark.Dsl

  • :data_layer (module that adopts Ash.DataLayer) - data_layer extensions to add to the Spark.Dsl The default value is Ash.DataLayer.Simple.

  • :authorizers (one or a list of module that adopts Ash.Authorizer) - authorizers extensions to add to the Spark.Dsl The default value is [].

  • :notifiers (one or a list of module that adopts Ash.Notifier) - notifiers extensions to add to the Spark.Dsl The default value is [].

  • :otp_app (atom/0) - The otp_app to use for any application configurable options

  • :fragments (list of module/0) - Fragments to include in the Spark.Dsl. See the fragments guide for more.



Returns true if the load or path to load has been loaded

Returns true if the given field has been selected on a record

Sets a loaded key or path to a key back to its original unloaded stated

Sets a list of loaded key or paths to a key back to their original unloaded stated



@type record() :: struct()


@type t() :: module()


get_metadata(record, key_or_path)

@spec get_metadata(record(), atom() | [atom()]) :: term()

loaded?(data, path, opts \\ [])

@spec loaded?(
  nil | [record()] | record() |,
  atom() | Ash.Query.Calculation.t() | Ash.Query.Aggregate.t() | [atom()],
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: boolean()

Returns true if the load or path to load has been loaded


  • lists: set to :any to have this return true if any record in a list that appears has the value loaded. Default is :all.
  • unknown: set to true to have unknown paths (like nil values or non-resources) return true. Defaults to false
  • strict?: set to true to return false if a calculation with arguments is being checked

put_metadata(record, key, term)

@spec put_metadata(record(), atom(), term()) :: record()

selected?(record, field, opts \\ [])

Returns true if the given field has been selected on a record


  • forbidden_means_selected?: set to true to return true if the field is marked as forbidden

set_metadata(record, map)

@spec set_metadata(record(), map()) :: record()

unload(page, path)

@spec unload(
  nil | [record()] | record() |,
  atom() | [atom()]
) :: nil | [record()] | record() |

Sets a loaded key or path to a key back to its original unloaded stated

unload_many(data, paths)

@spec unload_many(
  nil | [record()] | record() |,
  [atom()] | [[atom()]]
) :: nil | [record()] | record() |

Sets a list of loaded key or paths to a key back to their original unloaded stated