Ash.Page.Keyset (ash v3.4.68)
View SourceA page of results from keyset
based pagination.
The results are generated with a keyset
which can be used to fetch the next/previous pages.
Appends keyset info to results.
Creates filters on the query using the query for the Keyset.
Creates a new Ash.Page.Keyset.t
A restricted version of :erlang.binary_to_term/2
that forbids
executable terms, such as anonymous functions.
The opts
are given to the underlying :erlang.binary_to_term/2
call, with an empty list as a default.
By default this function does not restrict atoms, as an atom
interned in one node may not yet have been interned on another
(except for releases, which preload all code).
If you want to avoid atoms from being created, then you can pass
as options, as that will also enable the safety mechanisms
from :erlang.binary_to_term/2
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@type page_opts() :: [ before: page_opts_opts(), after: page_opts_opts(), limit: page_opts_opts(), filter: page_opts_opts(), count: page_opts_opts() ]
@type page_opts_opts() :: [type: page_opts_type(), doc: String.t()]
@type page_opts_type() :: :non_neg_integer | :pos_integer | :any | :boolean
@type t() :: %Ash.Page.Keyset{ after: binary() | nil, before: binary() | nil, count: non_neg_integer(), limit: pos_integer(), more?: boolean(), rerun: {Ash.Query.t(), Keyword.t()}, results: [Ash.Resource.record()] }
@spec data_with_keyset([Ash.Resource.record()], term(), term()) :: [ Ash.Resource.record() ]
Appends keyset info to results.
@spec filter(Ash.Query.t(), [term()], term(), :after | :before) :: {:ok, Keyword.t()} | {:error, term()}
Creates filters on the query using the query for the Keyset.
@spec new( [Ash.Resource.record()], non_neg_integer(), term(), Ash.Query.t(), boolean(), Keyword.t() ) :: t()
Creates a new Ash.Page.Keyset.t
A restricted version of :erlang.binary_to_term/2
that forbids
executable terms, such as anonymous functions.
The opts
are given to the underlying :erlang.binary_to_term/2
call, with an empty list as a default.
By default this function does not restrict atoms, as an atom
interned in one node may not yet have been interned on another
(except for releases, which preload all code).
If you want to avoid atoms from being created, then you can pass
as options, as that will also enable the safety mechanisms
from :erlang.binary_to_term/2
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