Ash.Reactor is an extension for Reactor which adds explicit support for interacting with resources via their defined actions.

See Getting started with Reactor to understand the core Reactor concepts first. Then return to this guide to see how Ash.Reactor adds conveniences for using Reactor from Ash.


You can either add the Ash.Reactor extension to your existing reactors eg:

defmodule MyExistingReactor do
  use Reactor, extensions: [Ash.Reactor]

or for your convenience you can use use Ash.Reactor which expands to exactly the same as above.


An example is worth 1000 words of prose:

defmodule ExampleReactor do
  use Ash.Reactor

  ash do
    default_domain ExampleDomain

  input :customer_name
  input :customer_email
  input :plan_name
  input :payment_nonce

  create :create_customer, Customer do
    inputs %{name: input(:customer_name), email: input(:customer_email)}

  read_one :get_plan, Plan, :get_plan_by_name do
    inputs %{name: input(:plan_name)}
    fail_on_not_found? true

  action :take_payment, PaymentProvider do
    inputs %{
      nonce: input(:payment_nonce),
      amount: result(:get_plan, [:price])

  create :subscription, Subscription do
    inputs %{
      plan_id: result(:get_plan, [:id]),
      payment_provider_id: result(:take_payment, :id)


For each action type there is a corresponding step DSL, which needs a name (used to refer to the result of the step by other steps), a resource and optional action name (defaults to the primary action if one is not provided).

Actions have several common options and some specific to their particular type. See the DSL documentation for details.

Action inputs

Ash actions take a map of input parameters which are usually a combination of resource attributes and action arguments. You can provide these values as a single map using the inputs DSL entity with a map or keyword list which refers to Reactor inputs, results and hard-coded values via Reactor's predefined template functions.

For action types that act on a specific resource (ie update and destroy) you can provide the value using the initial DSL option.


input :blog_title
input :blog_body
input :author_email

read :get_author, MyBlog.Author, :get_author_by_email do
  inputs %{email: input(:author_email)}

create :create_post, MyBlog.Post, :create do
  inputs %{
    title: input(:blog, [:title]),
    body: input(:blog, [:body]),
    author_id: result(:get_author, [:email])

update :author_post_count, MyBlog.Author, :update_post_count do
  wait_for :create_post
  initial result(:get_author)

return :create_post

Handling failure.

Reactor is a saga executor, which means that when failure occurs it tries to clean up any intermediate state left behind. By default the create, update and destroy steps do not specify any behaviour for what to do when there is a failure downstream in the reactor. This can be changed by providing both an undo_action and changing the step's undo option to either :outside_transaction or :always depending on your resource and datalayer semantics.

The undo option.

  • :never - this is the default, and means that the reactor will never try and undo the action's work. This is the most performant option, as it means that the reactor doesn't need to store as many intermediate values.
  • :outside_transaction - this option allows the step to decide at runtime whether it should support undo based on whether the action is being run within a transaction. If it is, then no undo is required because the transaction will rollback.
  • :always - this forces the step to always undo it's work on failure.

The undo_action option.

The behaviour of the undo_action is action specific:

  • For create actions, the undo_action should be the name of a destroy action with no specific requirements.
  • For update actions, the undo_action should also be an update action which takes a changeset argument, which will contain the Ash.Changeset which was used to execute the original update.
  • For destroy actions, the undo_action should be the name of a create action which takes a record argument, which will contain the resource record which was used destroyed.


You can use the transaction step type to wrap a group of steps inside a data layer transaction, however the following caveats apply:

  • All steps inside a transaction must happen in the same process, so the steps inside the transaction will only ever be executed synchronously.
  • Notifications will be sent only when the transaction is committed.


Because a reactor has transaction-like semantics notifications are automatically batched and only sent upon successful completion of the reactor.

Running Reactors as an action

Ash's generic actions now support providing a Reactor module directly as their run option.


  • Every Reactor input must have a corresponding action argument.
  • Ash's action context is passed in as the Reactor's context (including things like actor, tenant, etc).
  • Reactor runtime options can be set by setting run {MyReactor, opts} instead of just run MyReactor.
  • If you set the transaction? action DSL option to true then the Reactor will be run synchronously - regardless of the value of the async? runtime option.


action :run_reactor, :struct do
  constraints instance_of: MyBlog.Post

  argument :blog_title, :string, allow_nil?: false
  argument :blog_body, :string, allow_nil?: false
  argument :author_email, :ci_string, allow_nil?: false

  run MyBlog.CreatePostReactor