Ash.Resource.Validation.Builtins (ash v3.4.68)

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Built in validations that are available to all resources

The functions in this module are imported by default in the validations section.



Validates that the given attribute or argument or list of attributes or arguments are nil.

Validates that the action is a specific action. Primarily meant for use in where.

Validates that an argument is not being changed to a specific value, or does not equal the given value if it is not being changed.

Validates that an argument is being changed to a specific value, or equals the given value if it is not being changed.

Validates that an argument is being changed to one of a set of specific values, or is in the the given list if it is not being changed.

Validates that an attribute is not being changed to a specific value, or does not equal the given value if it is not being changed.

Validates that an attribute is being changed to a specific value, or equals the given value if it is not being changed.

Validates that an attribute is being changed to one of a set of specific values, or is in the the given list if it is not being changed.

Validates that the attribute or list of attributes are nil. See absent/2 for more information.

Validates that the attribute or list of attributes are not nil. See present/2 for more information.

Validates that an attribute or relationship is being changed

Validates that an attribute or argument meets the given comparison criteria.

Validates that a field or argument matches another field or argument

Validates that an attribute's value matches a given regex.

Validates that other validation does not pass

Validates that an attribute or argument meets the given comparison criteria.

Validates that an attribute's value is in a given list

Validates that the given attribute or argument or list of attributes or arguments are not nil.

Validates that an attribute on the original record meets the given length criteria


absent(attributes, opts \\ [])

@spec absent(attributes_or_arguments :: atom() | [atom()], opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Validates that the given attribute or argument or list of attributes or arguments are nil.

This is the inverse of present/2.

Use options to specify how many must be nil. If no options are provided, validates that they are all absent.

Keep in mind that some types cast certain values to nil, and validations are applied after all inputs have been cast. For example, a :string type attribute with the default constraints will cast "" as nil, meaning an input of "" would pass the absent validation.


  • :at_least (non_neg_integer/0) - At least this many must be absent. Defaults to the number of attributes provided

  • :at_most (non_neg_integer/0) - At most this many must be absent. Defaults to the number of attributes provided

  • :exactly (non_neg_integer/0) - Exactly this many must be absent


validate absent(:unsettable_option)

validate absent([:first_name, :last_name]), where: [present(:full_name)]

validate absent([:is_admin, :is_normal_user], at_least: 1)


@spec action_is(action :: atom()) :: Ash.Resource.Validation.ref()

Validates that the action is a specific action. Primarily meant for use in where.


validate present(:foo), where: [action_is(:bar)]

argument_does_not_equal(argument, value)

@spec argument_does_not_equal(argument :: atom(), value :: term()) ::

Validates that an argument is not being changed to a specific value, or does not equal the given value if it is not being changed.


validate argument_does_not_equal(:admin, true)

# Or to only check for changing to a given value
validate argument_does_not_equal(:admin, true), where: [changing(:admin)]

argument_equals(argument, value)

@spec argument_equals(argument :: atom(), value :: term()) ::

Validates that an argument is being changed to a specific value, or equals the given value if it is not being changed.


validate argument_equals(:admin, true)

# Or to only check for changing to a given value
validate argument_equals(:admin, true), where: [changing(:admin)]

argument_in(argument, list)

@spec argument_in(argument :: atom(), list :: [term()]) ::

Validates that an argument is being changed to one of a set of specific values, or is in the the given list if it is not being changed.


validate argument_in(:state, [1, 2, 3])

# Or to only check for changing to a something in a given list
validate argument_in(:state, [1, 2, 3]), where: [changing(:state)]

attribute_does_not_equal(attribute, value)

@spec attribute_does_not_equal(attribute :: atom(), value :: term()) ::

Validates that an attribute is not being changed to a specific value, or does not equal the given value if it is not being changed.


validate attribute_does_not_equal(:admin, true)

# Or to only check for changing to a given value
validate attribute_does_not_equal(:admin, true), where: [changing(:admin)]

attribute_equals(attribute, value)

@spec attribute_equals(attribute :: atom(), value :: term()) ::

Validates that an attribute is being changed to a specific value, or equals the given value if it is not being changed.


validate attribute_equals(:admin, true)

# Or to only check for changing to a given value
validate attribute_equals(:admin, true), where: [changing(:admin)]

attribute_in(attribute, list)

@spec attribute_in(attribute :: atom(), list :: [term()]) ::

Validates that an attribute is being changed to one of a set of specific values, or is in the the given list if it is not being changed.


validate attribute_in(:state, [1, 2, 3])

# Or to only check for changing to a something in a given list
validate attribute_in(:state, [1, 2, 3]), where: [changing(:state)]

attributes_absent(attributes, opts \\ [])

@spec attributes_absent(attributes :: atom() | [atom()], opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Validates that the attribute or list of attributes are nil. See absent/2 for more information.


  • :at_least (non_neg_integer/0) - At least this many must be absent. Defaults to the number of attributes provided

  • :at_most (non_neg_integer/0) - At most this many must be absent. Defaults to the number of attributes provided

  • :exactly (non_neg_integer/0) - Exactly this many must be absent

attributes_present(attributes, opts \\ [])

@spec attributes_present(attributes :: atom() | [atom()], opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Validates that the attribute or list of attributes are not nil. See present/2 for more information.


  • :at_least (non_neg_integer/0) - At least this many must be present. Defaults to the number of attributes provided

  • :at_most (non_neg_integer/0) - At most this many must be present. Defaults to the number of attributes provided

  • :exactly (non_neg_integer/0) - Exactly this many must be present

changing(field, opts \\ [])

@spec changing(attribute_or_relationship :: atom(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Validates that an attribute or relationship is being changed


validate changing(:first_name)
validate changing(:comments)
validate changing(:comments, touching?: true)


  • :field (atom/0) - Required. The attribute or relationship to check for changes. Using a relationship does not compare old and new value, returning true if the value is being touched)

  • :touching? (atom/0) - Whether to consider a field as changing if it is just being touched (i.e consider it changed when it is being changed to its current value) The default value is false.

compare(attribute, opts \\ [])

@spec compare(attribute :: atom(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Validates that an attribute or argument meets the given comparison criteria.

The values provided for each option may be a literal value, attribute, argument, or a zero argument function.


  • :greater_than - The value that the attribute should be greater than.

  • :greater_than_or_equal_to - The value that the attribute should be greater than or equal to

  • :less_than - The value that the attribute should be less than

  • :less_than_or_equal_to - The value that the attribute should be less than or equal to


validate compare(:age, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18),
  where: [attribute_equals(:show_adult_content, true)],
  message: "must be over %{greater_than_or_equal_to} to enable adult content."

validate compare(:points, greater_than: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: 100)

confirm(field, confirmation)

@spec confirm(
  attribute_or_argument :: atom(),
  confirmation_attribute_or_argument :: atom()
) ::

Validates that a field or argument matches another field or argument


validate confirm(:password, :password_confirmation)
validate confirm(:email, :email_confirmation)

match(attribute, match)

@spec match(attribute :: atom(), match :: Regex.t()) :: Ash.Resource.Validation.ref()

Validates that an attribute's value matches a given regex.

String.match?/2 is used to determine if the value matches.


validate match(:slug, ~r/^[0-9a-z-_]+$/)


@spec negate(validation :: Ash.Resource.Validation.ref()) ::

Validates that other validation does not pass


validate negate(one_of(:status, [:closed, :finished]))

numericality(attribute, opts \\ [])

@spec numericality(attribute :: atom(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Validates that an attribute or argument meets the given comparison criteria.

The values provided for each option may be a literal value, attribute, argument, or a zero argument function.


  • :greater_than - The value that the attribute should be greater than.

  • :greater_than_or_equal_to - The value that the attribute should be greater than or equal to

  • :less_than - The value that the attribute should be less than

  • :less_than_or_equal_to - The value that the attribute should be less than or equal to


validate numericality(:age, greater_than_or_equal_to: 18),
  where: [attribute_equals(:show_adult_content, true)],
  message: "must be over %{greater_than_or_equal_to} to enable adult content."

validate numericality(:points, greater_than: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: 100)

one_of(attribute, values)

@spec one_of(attribute :: atom(), [any()]) :: Ash.Resource.Validation.ref()

Validates that an attribute's value is in a given list


validate one_of(:status, [:closed_won, :closed_lost])

present(attributes, opts \\ [])

@spec present(attributes_or_arguments :: atom() | [atom()], opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Validates that the given attribute or argument or list of attributes or arguments are not nil.

Use options to specify how many must not be nil. If no options are provided, validates that they are all present.

Keep in mind that some types cast certain values to nil, and validations are applied after all inputs have been cast. For example, a :string type attribute with the default constraints will cast "" as nil, meaning an input of "" would fail the present validation.


  • :at_least (non_neg_integer/0) - At least this many must be present. Defaults to the number of attributes provided

  • :at_most (non_neg_integer/0) - At most this many must be present. Defaults to the number of attributes provided

  • :exactly (non_neg_integer/0) - Exactly this many must be present


validate present(:name)

validate present([:first_name, :last_name]), where: [absent(:full_name)]

validate present([:is_admin, :is_normal_user], at_most: 1)

string_length(attribute, opts \\ [])

@spec string_length(attribute :: atom(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::

Validates that an attribute on the original record meets the given length criteria



validate string_length(:slug, exact: 8)
validate string_length(:password, min: 6)
validate string_length(:secret, min: 4, max: 12)