Ash.Error.Unknown exception (ash v3.4.68)
View SourceThe top level unknown error container
Construction an exception using the arguments passed in. You can see
Elixir's doc on Exception/1
for more information.
Callback implementation for Exception.message/1
@type t() :: %Ash.Error.Unknown{ __exception__: true, action_input: Ash.ActionInput.t() | nil, bread_crumbs: term(), changeset: Ash.Changeset.t() | nil, class: term(), errors: term(), path: term(), query: Ash.Query.t() | nil, splode: term(), stacktrace: term(), vars: term() }
@spec exception(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: %Ash.Error.Unknown{ __exception__: true, action_input: term(), bread_crumbs: term(), changeset: term(), class: term(), errors: term(), path: term(), query: term(), splode: term(), stacktrace: term(), vars: term() }
@spec exception(Keyword.t()) :: t()
Construction an exception using the arguments passed in. You can see
Elixir's doc on Exception/1
for more information.
Callback implementation for Exception.message/1